Monday, May 27, 2013

「I am not up for it.」、「You talked me into it.」、「She is totally into it.」

(1)be up for指「已提出(供考慮)」,有時簡單點說,就是「想要」,例如:

I'm up for a pizza. Anybody want to chip in?

(A New Dictionary of American Colloquial Expressions)

因此,I am not up for it可解作:我不想要它。

(2)talk into指「說服」,例如:
He talked me into coming here.
因此,You talked me into it可解作:你說服我接受此事。

(3)be into指「有興趣」或「入迷」,例如:
You're really into words.
因此,She is totally into it可解作:她對此事完全入迷。

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