Monday, May 27, 2013

pay back是「償還」還是「復仇」?

(1) pay back即repay what you owe,指「償還」,例如:

Will you lend me $1,000? I will pay you back next month.

(2) pay back指repay someone for a kind act he or she has done,指「回報」,例如:

It was so nice to spend the weekend with you and your family. We'll pay you back when we've got a home of our own.


(3) pay back又為punish somebody who has done something bad to you,指「報復」或「懲罰」,例如:

We'll pay them back for their insults one day.

(4) 再介紹一個與pay back(報復)近似的說法:

pay (a person) back in one's own coin即to treat a person in the way that he or she has treated you,指「以其治人之道,還治其人之身」,例如:

Since she refused to help me, the next time she asks me for a favour I will pay her back in her own coin.


讀者Eva來電郵問,書中寫a shoe shop,但店舖裏有很多鞋,是否應寫shoes shop?

Shoe shop是名詞詞組,前面的shoe是名詞修飾語,表示shop的性質。此種情下,shoe毋須加s;同類的例子有:orange juice、childcare、animal trainer等。

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