Friday, May 17, 2013

Simon Legree

(1) Simon Legree即slave driver,意為「奴隸監工」或「苛刻工頭」,例如:

My boss is a Simon Legree.
(2) Simon Legree源於Harriet Beecher Stowe所著小說Uncle Tom's Cabin(《黑奴籲天錄》,又譯《湯姆叔叔的小屋》)。書中的黑奴販子Simon Legree異常冷酷無情。

(3) 據說林肯總統稱譽Mrs Stowe時表示:「So this is the little old lady who started this new great war!」足見《黑奴籲天錄》影響之深遠。(註:this new great war指美國南北戰爭。)

(4) 英文中,表示某種意思的人名不少,茲舉數例:

I don't know him from Adam.
(5) I saw a Black Maria approaching.
(6) Your father will raise Cain if he finds out you didn't go to school today.

你父親若發現你今天沒有上學,會大發脾氣。(Modern American Colloquialisms)

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